Crew Booking
5KSC - Berth Booking
Please note:
This is a Private Charter , crew bookings are accepted by Skipper invitation only.
Your booking will only be processed if the Skipper has invited you on this trip.

Private charter

Type: Private Charter
Start: Sat 28-Jun-2025
End: Sat 05-Jul-2025
Price: Private Charter - FEES:- This is a Private Charter, your Skipper will arrange fees with you.
Full details of Prices
Skippers notes: Plan for this cruise, Largs to Oban 28/6 to 5/7. Oban to Mallaig 5/7 to 12/7

Your booking will be subject to availability and acceptance by 5KSC. If you have any questions please contact our Crew Bureau:

(If you do not have or do not know your CSSA/CSSC number, just leave blank)

  • I accept that by submitting a booking, I will become a member of 5KSC (If not an existing member).
  • As a crew member I agree to abide by the terms of our Crew Articles
  • I agree to 5KSC Terms & Conditions
I agree to the above